Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Rudy Gay loves giving facials... wait... that doesn't sound right...
Ladies and Gentlemen, Yi Jianlian
Yes, he's an asshole... But there's more.

Here's the thing... I understand that we've been on steroid-talk overload for the past five years. I understand that we have been on Barry Bonds-talk overload for the past three years (when it became apparent that Ruth was inevitable and Aaron was entirely feasible). That being said, I don't think the overload overkill should be glanced over so cavalierly by my esteemed colleague. Justifiable disgust and the resultant antagonism, even after it has been cooled from a rolling boil to something stale and tepid, is still ever present and applicable. This upcoming 756th homerun is compromised. The very number itself doesn't really represent anything beyond that which is falsely tangible. To contend that the grace and simple beauty of Bond's swing is reason enough why we should bang pots-and-pans and stomp our feet when that baseball sails over the wall is somewhat vexing. His induction into the Hall of Fame will be the ultimate affirmation of his success on the diamond, not this particular moment. Ben was correct in stating that we can never get the numbers/eras/comparisons absolutely right, but what we can do is approach this milestone with appropriate perspective. I haven't decided to drink any Kool-Aid here, I've merely decided not to conveniently discard the context of the situation. I'll watch with rapt attention when Bonds wears the HOF jacket and addresses the crowd at Cooperstown. I'll tell my kids about the nastiness that was his approach at the plate and how pitchers FEARED him. However, I simply choose not to celebrate a (is it hallowed or hollowed?) homerun that's supposed to commemorate two decades of stellar play when the number itself isn't a true representation of the player (albeit a great one).
Saturday, July 21, 2007
AK Drinks the Kool-Aid.
Friday, July 20, 2007
The Vickback, Toilet Literature and Just Footy

Soccer lives and breathes as this globe does. It pulses on every inhabitable surface of this planet and has endured for as long as any other organized sport in mankind. Truth be told, there is a pocket of the United States that celebrates this game and plays it and watches it and loves it. They are a minority, but they exist. What the U.S. misguidedly aims for are the "casual fans" to jump aboard and support a game that didn't formulate on American soil. To see the best, means you must cast your eyes across the Atlantic. To watch the World Cup, means you must root for an underdog. It's a little much to ask when we generally gravitate to sports we feel superior with, those which we dominate other countries at (as far as professional leagues go - NBA, MLB, PGA (sorta - Tiger), NASCAR, etc). We even took the name football, changed around the rules of rugby, practiced this new game, perfected it and now the NFL makes 4 billion annually and Friday Night Lights is the best show on TV that nobody is talking about. That's what we're all about... Beautifully... Fucking... Illustrated...
By the way, I happen to like soccer/football. FIFA on the PS2 was a revelation for me. Ditto the Premier League. But it's just not meant to be an American passion, it just doesn't mesh here. And that's OK.
I think, the game of soccer will not be relevant in the good ole U.S.A. until a scrappy kid from Winthrop, Massachusetts who doesn't know any better leads a untested but talented squad of equally scrappy 20-somethings past a heavily favored Brazil team in ominously colored uniforms during the 2022 World Cup in Los Angeles which can be later parlayed into a Disney movie and a scorching American love affair with the game known as "just footy".
Oh wait, that sounds a lot like Mike Eruzione. He still seems like a pretty cool guy.
But, the NHL still sucks.
Just forget I said anything.
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
The Horse is Dead. I'm done beating it. I promise.
For me, listening to this spliced together is similar to the sensations I can only imagine a dog has when their trainer starts blowing that high-frequency whistle. I have only a vauge sense of what is going on, I'm pawing at my nose, there's a duece on the carpet, eyebrows are furrowed and before long I'm going to start lunging at tracheas if it doesn't stop.
Ok, now I can move on. Bring on the All-Star Game...
I died a little bit last night.

Much of my ire from last night is focused on Berman. Michael Kay is loathesome enough, we don't need you celebrating it by ripping "SEEEEE YA!" from him. We all know about the "back back back back back back...GONE" seizures he was having. I felt like he was almost panicking on the inside. Like he knew that he was saying it too much, but the panicking made him say it compulsively.
Anyway, I have a solution. Easily superior in style, presentation, writing, and live broadcasting (and please take note of the dulcet tones of the saucy musical track). Were you not more entertained when you heard the Spanish broadcast? EL JONRON PROFUNDOOOOOOOOOO Y NOOOOOO NONONONONOOOOOO - DIGA LECHE LANZA PELOTA (rough translation) "Important homerun, [incoherent], tell me milk hits the ball".
Far more pleasing accompaniment to the video and bonus points for subtely belittling the white man.
Monday, July 9, 2007
Derby and Rush Thoughts

Treasure Island
Stinson Beach
Half Moon Bay
Alcatraz Island
Bay Bridge
Golden Gate Bridge
Great coverage, Christopher. Although, you did forgot Lombard Street, Fisherman's Wharf, the In-and-Out Burger in Marin and Arco Arena. Back-back-back-back-back-back-back-PLAYED OUT!!!! (Boomer, we here at Bowler and Benny think you should stick with your bread and butter: NFL Primetime and hollering at bitches)

I switched between the Homerun Derby and the AFL Divisional Playoff game between Chicago and Los Angeles. The Rush won handily and will play the San Jose Sabercats in the conference championship next week. I think I might do a running diary because, well, because there's a lot to say about this league that I've never watched until a handful of games this year. I'm still working out the kinks as evidenced by this exchange I had with Ben last night:
Myself: Watching the Arena League is like whacking off to a Pottery Barn catalogue.
Ben: (((playing along))) Dude, there aren't any women in a Pottery Barn catalogue.
Myself: I know. It's REALLY confusing.
Respect Vlad.
All-Star Break(down)
1st pick (Ben): Howard
2nd pick (Me): Pujols
3rd pick (Ben): Fielder
4th pick (Me): Ordonez
5th pick (Ben): Rios
6th pick (Me): Guerrero
Justin Morneau was immediately designated for assignment. A Canadian already wins our NBA MVP awards, no sense encouraging them any further.
Ben notified me afterwards that Howard and Fielder will be one-two. I love this because it's a classic Ben move. Sometimes he won't even wait until a fantasy draft is over to announce that he has drafted the best team and should win the league easily. When you ask him to elaborate, he merely adds, "By at least ten games".
Random Thoughts
Eric Patterson (Yep, little brother to Corey) hit a dramatic walk-off single in the bottom of the 9th for the AAA Iowa Cubs this past weekend. What made this story interesting was the fact that he was being intentionally walked at the time. The first thing I thought (considering his genetic propensity to swing at balls out of the zone) was that there is no ball too far from the plate for a Patterson's liking. I later found out that the pitcher was serving up the free pass somewhat casually and left a meatball on the outside corner that Eric alertly swung and connected with for an easy game winner. For hard as it must have been for Billy Ripken to play in his big brother Cal's shadow in the same organization, it must oppositely be just as hard for Eric Patterson (as gifted as he is) to ascend through the Cubs farm system.
Adam LaRoche's introduction music before he steps into the batters box at home is Joe Esposito's classic "You're the Best! Around! Nothing's ever gunna keep you down!". I'm not sure how this will be received, but next time I play softball I'm bringing a boombox and playing this every time I confidently stride to the plate. My batting average will be at least .600 and I'm calling my shot at least once during the proceedings.

Cubs highs and lows-
Unsung hero: Mark DeRosa. He's played 1B, 2B, 3B, RF and hasn't complained at all. His OPS is .817 and he's batting .364 with RISP. Along with Fontenot and Theriot, I like us up the middle for the next couple of years. No fake.
Goat: Scotty Eyre. 30 IP, 6.60 ERA, 2.13 WHIP , 21 BB, $4 Million. This assclown is dead to me.
Ichiro Suzuki had my favorite quote so far this year (as borrowed from Jayson Stark's excellent ESPN article): On the prospect of meeting his countryman, Daisuke Matsuzaka, for the first time in MLB, "I hope he arouses the fire that's dormant in the innermost recesses of my soul. I plan to face him with the zeal of a challenger."
If Bob Brenley fills the Cincinnati Reds vacant managerial position and Steve Stone comes back to the Cubs booth to do color, I'll never ask for anything again. Ever.
Monday, July 2, 2007
81 Games: Halfway Home
Seattle Mariners...........18-9
Milwaukee Brewers......17-9
Anaheim Angels...........17-9
Chicago Cubs...............17-11
Detroit Tigers...............16-10
NL Central
St. Louis---------37---42----.468----9.5-----
Houston --------36---47----.434----12.5----